Be inspired (or even saved) by pets
My name is Kathy Finley and I’m the author of a book on how a three-legged one-eyed cat saved my life.
Although my book, My One-Eyed, Three-Legged Therapist: How My Cat Clio Saved Me is part memoir and part cat story, it is meant to inspire and show us how our pets, even in normal times (not to mention in today’s unprecedented turbulent times), can help us face life’s many challenges. That’s the reason I decided to write a book about how one cat helped me restore my self-confidence and self-esteem, allowed me to love again, and provided me hope and comfort during a health crisis. I love all animals and using my skills as a storyteller, writer, and speaker, I hope to share other uplifting, humorous, and enlightening pet stories. If everyone knew how much pets can help them navigate through life’s challenges, there would no more homeless animals in the world. Since I am sharing my stories with you, I hope you will share yours with me.

Purdue University Press
Available for from Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and Purdue University Press

LATEST NEWS: My book recently won four more awards! I won First Place in the Nonfiction – Animals Genre in the 2024 PenCraft Book Awards and was a Finalist (in the Animals/Pets – Narrative Nonfiction Category) in 21st Annual “Best Book” Awards sponsored by American Book Fest. I also won First Place for Best Book Title and Second Place for Best Chapter Titles in the 2024 Speak Up Talk Radio International Firebird Book Contest. Earlier in 2024, my book won three awards: First Place, Animal/Pet Category, First Place, Inspirational Category, and Third Place, Memoir in the 2023 Speak Up Talk Radio International Firebird Book Contest and was a Finalist in the Animal-Adult Category for the 2024 Feathered Quill Awards. That’s a total of eight awards!